What is a blockchain wallet? It is a type of digital wallet that stores the key to your bitcoin, providing you security and a central location for all your bitcoin transactions as it grows in value. The wallet doesn’t actually store the bitcoin, but it does store the numeric key that is yours alone and that links you to your bitcoin. There are software and hardware wallets, each with their pros and cons, and it is worth your time to study both based on how much bitcoin you have and how you anticipate using it.

Blockchain Wallet

There’s no question but that the blockchain is Here To Stay. Yes, there have been ups and downs, but this is the future. And all the Cryptocurrencies need a wallet to hold them so you can spend, exchange and grow your holdings. It is virtual, but in its own way is no different at all from that wallet in your purse or pocket.

Are you looking for the safest and most efficient way to upload CASH or FIAT into Cryptocurrency? We like the blockchain wallet that is a part of with COINBASE. (We suggest you set this up – its the best way to learn. And bonus! You will get $10 in BTC just for joining).

blockchain wallet
  • From there, there are several other wallets.Each wallet has its advantages for crypto miners. Of all that are out there, we trust and use Coinbase.
  • Why? Coinbase is now offering Staked Coins, and the option to “Stake” or hold your coins for gains. You agree to lock them, where you “STAKE THEM” meaning you will not sell or transfer them. They are STAKED so they hold the value of the COIN itself. For doing so, you get a APY or Annual Percentage Yield just like you would with a Bond or Savings Account. The API ranges from from 0.01 to sometimes 25% or more. The ones that Coinbase supports have to be proven to b safe. Remember, though, that with all investments there is an element of risk, and that is no different when it comes to staking.
  • With Staked Coins you can gain rewards with more coins as the staking is taking place. This is no different than a bank bond or Certificate on Deposit. This is used to create and leverage the creation of additional Crypto Coins.

We cover and train on the Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and More in our Online Community Zoom Rooms. Be sure to get in Contact With Us for more! We will provide education and give you support in this incredible technology.


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